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Kindly maintain your mouth’s noise while you’re in the Laboratory vicinity.Kindly maintain your mouth’s noise while you’re in the Laboratory vicinity.

This sentence is composed 12 words. Each word is obviously self explanatory. “Kindly” is a polite word that is used by anyone who is respectful. “Maintain” is synonymous to   the word retain. So, when I say kindly maintain, is clearly implies that with due respect please retain or preserve something. “Your” is a four letter word pertains to the reader’s property (in this case mouth), whether with higher IQ or lower than mine. “Mouth” is the first portion of the alimentary canal that receives food and saliva (thanks to wikipedia). Plus an apostrophe which signifies possessiveness of the word mouth. “Noise” means any unwanted sound , which is now in my brain while I’m writing this explanation. “While” has its meaning varies largely based on its intended function, position in the phrase and even the writer or speaker's, in short depends on the persona.”You’re” is combination of “you” and “are” and (damn it! I will not explain that anymore. “In the” laboratory is a preposition for grammar sake! . “Vicinity” means area, spells as A-R-E-A. Got it? Whether I use the whole as an idiomatic expression or just the literal implication of the sentence it is self-explanatory. I’m just explaining myself. Spirits of grammar please correct me if my opinion is wrong.

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